Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

horoscope for sagittarius

The astrology forecast for Sagittarius for the week of April 29, 2024 to May 5, 2024

Private Life * * / 3
Money and Job * * / 3

Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius, your creative energies are high this week, with Mars entering Aries, sparking new passion projects or romantic adventures. This transit encourages you to express yourself boldly and chase what makes your heart beat faster. Venus in Taurus brings a focus on pleasure, inviting you to indulge in hobbies and activities that bring you joy. Yet, the square between Venus and Pluto may challenge your ideas about pleasure and creativity, pushing you to reevaluate what truly satisfies you. The Moon in Aquarius at the start of the week inspires innovative ideas. At the same time, the Pisces Moon invites introspection and a connection to your deeper emotions. As the weekend arrives with the Moon in Aries, your enthusiasm peaks -- embrace this surge in energy to pursue your passions with renewed vigor.

Dear Sagittarius, this week is filled with promising romantic and professional opportunities, enhanced by various special occasions. With Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune enhancing your intuitive capabilities, you're well-equipped to navigate the complexities of relationships and work. Venus entering Taurus bolsters your financial stability, ensuring that your endeavors this week are both fruitful and satisfying. Monday, the 29th, sets a positive tone for the week, focusing on romantic developments and cooperative family interactions that yield excellent results.

Tuesday, the 30th, starts off slow but quickly picks up pace, opening up new opportunities that could expand your horizons.

Wednesday, the 1st, Labour Day, might find you feeling indecisive and vulnerable. It's a day to avoid making important decisions due to fluctuating judgment.

Thursday, the 2nd, is a standout day for romance and serendipitous meetings, perfect for rekindling old friendships or sparking new ones.

Friday, the 3rd, your efforts in both personal and professional spheres are likely to be highly productive, complemented by some good shopping finds.

Saturday, the 4th, Star Wars Day, is ideal for social gatherings and making plans for the summer, enjoying excellent cooperation from friends and family.

Sunday, the 5th, Cinco de Mayo, wraps up the week on a relaxing note with deep, enriching, sentimental interactions.


Your financial outlook this week is surprisingly positive. Capitalize on this by handling your resources wisely and planning for future expenses. The productive energies of Friday can also lead to beneficial purchases or investments.

Compatible Sign(s)


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